Reducing inpatient length of stay

Automate smarter discharge plans that decrease excess days, reduce staff burnout, and enhance the patient experience.
Hospital healthcare professionals using the Qventus inpatient solution to reduce patients’ length of stay
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Get ready for lower costs, more capacity & less burnout

Excess days stretch your budgets and your staff. Partner with Qventus, and we’ll help you drive down LOS, eliminate time-consuming manual tasks, and free your teams to deliver more, better care. All with one solution, all right from your EHR.

Hospital healthcare professionals helping minimize patients’ length of stay with Qventus automations
reduction in LOS
Up to 1 day
fewer clicks during MDRs
80 %
decrease in excess days.
20 -35%
for Qventus discharge planning partners in 2021
> 10 X ROI
increase in high priority MRI turnarounds completed
Up to 2.5 x
increase in high-priority PT completions
Up to 1.5 x
virtual beds created annually
Up to 96
increase in EDD accuracy
2 x

From admission to discharge, your care teams will feel the difference

Two hospital healthcare professionals using Qventus automations to reduce their patients’ length of stay

Easily lock in ambitious, achievable discharge plans

With our Inpatient Solution, building early alignment is easier than ever. It analyzes thousands of localized factors to predict the earliest achievable EDD and optimally sequence care flows, helping care teams stay confidently on track and giving patients the transparency they need to plan.
A healthcare professional in scrubs helping her patient successfully leave the hospital

Stop the firefighting. Start getting patients home sooner.

It takes precious time to handle unexpected discharge barriers—time we give back to care teams by proactively identifying and resolving roadblocks. Our intelligent solution spots issues before they back up care flows, then offers plan-saving recommendations that help avoid delays.
A hospital healthcare professional using her computer to run a Qventus solution that helps her reduce patients’ length of stay

Do it all where it’s most convenient: right in the EHR

Other inpatient solution providers say they save staff time—then waste it switching back and forth from the EHR. Qventus integrates directly into the EHR, running seamlessly inline with care team workflows and delivering automations, insights, and intelligence exactly where they’re needed.
A group of hospital healthcare professionals using Qventus solutions to accelerate patients’ discharge

Eliminate manual planning, rounding & documentation tasks

Our automations eliminate some of the most time-consuming and burdensome steps in typical MDRs—from calculating discharge dates to sequencing ancillary orders, EHR updates, and much more. Adding Qventus to care team workflows can reduce tedious, burnout-driving clicks by up to 80%.
Inpatient impact

Simpler operations, smarter care

Reducing manual workloads and process inefficiencies doesn’t just benefit your frontline teams: your whole facility sees the benefits. Case mangers feel supported, care plans stay on track, and patients get home faster—at lower cost and lower risk. That’s the power of smarter discharge planning, intelligently automated by Qventus.

Drive down operational costs

Every excess day you save with Qventus helps reduce the price of care delivery.

Unlock your bed capacity

More timely discharges means more available resources, more served patients, and more opportunities for profitable volume.

Enhance the value of your EHR

Don’t settle for bolt-ons or separate solution layers. Qventus brings AI-powered discharge planning straight to the patient’s chart.

Reduce frontline workloads

Overburdened care teams need relief. Deliver it with a solution that turns hours of clicking into more time for patients.

Get the support you need to make change stick

Every workflow transformation needs a strategy to sustain it. We’ll support yours with powerful analytics, precise processes insights, and behavioral science principles that drive engagement and deliver timely positive feedback.

Reinforce best-practice behaviors

See where staff are engaging in highly impactful discharge planning and achieving LOS goals—then recognize their efforts.

See where processes need to change

Identify areas for improvement through real-time dashboards, process benchmarking, and deep analytics.

Celebrate the wins

When care teams’ commitment pays off, share their achievement and impact with your whole inpatient unit.

Take it from the experts in inpatient care

“Discharge planning tasks consume much of our healthcare teams’ time. Qventus alleviated much of that administrative burden.”
Jean Halpin | COO, Grant Medical Center
“With Qventus, we feel more confident in our ability to consistently deliver the highest experience and quality for our patients.“
Kim Post, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC | EVP & COO
Read HonorHealth’s story
“Leaving the huddle each day, we have a clearer picture of what is going to happen for each patient.”
Unit Manager | ThedaCare

World-class healthcare operations are just a conversation away

A doctor smiling after Qventus solutions help him reduce a patients’ length of stay in the hospital