Nurses Week 2019: Superhero Nurse, Michelle Lewis from Mercy Hospital Washington | Qventus, Inc.

Nurses Week 2019: Superhero Nurse, Michelle Lewis from Mercy Hospital Washington

Compassion is a Superpower

Spotlight on Michelle Lewis, clinical team leader at Mercy Hospital Washington

Nursing isn’t a job to Michelle Lewis, RN, BSN, clinical team leader at Mercy Hospital Washington—it’s a calling. Her compassion and focus on helping everyone around her, from patients to their families to other staff members, make her a superhero healthcare provider. And the nudges from Qventus give her an extra boost to make everything run smoother for patients and her teams alike.

What are your main responsibilities and activities during an average shift?
I mainly concentrate on helping my coworkers, managing the flow of the department, and being a resource to staff. An average day could include arriving an ambulance patient in one room, starting an IV in another room, discharging someone’s patient, making phone calls, “putting out fires,” helping with medications, helping someone find what they’re looking for, chatting with a patient, supervising in general—always something new!

What is the most challenging part of your job?
The most challenging part is trying to do several things at the same time, and wearing so many hats most of the time. And being on night shift brings extra challenges that only night shifters truly understand!

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
I enjoy helping others, from our patients and their families to our staff. I like knowing we can make a difference in those we serve. I enjoy being a resource to my department and I like teaching someone something new when needed. I also think it’s pretty rewarding when we are honestly thanked by a patient or their family.

What is one common misconception about nursing that you wish could be clarified for everyone?
That we make lots of money. Just like lots of other professions (EMS, teachers, law enforcement, etc.) we do it because we felt a calling to serve and make a difference, not for a big paycheck. And we don’t sit around and play cards!

What is your “superpower” that helps you succeed as a nurse?
I think compassion would be my superpower that helps me succeed. I try to follow the golden rule and treat people the way I would like to be treated myself.

What “superpower” do you wish you had that would make your job easier?
I wish I had the superpower of seeing the future and the ability to just scan a patient and be able to get their vital signs, labs, and diagnostic tests done in seconds or minutes.

How has new technology impacted your role in the past few years?
Our computer charting has definitely been a good change in the past few years, as well as our Qventus system. I also appreciate our Versus staff tracker.

How do you use Qventus in your daily routine? How has this made your life easier?
I appreciate the nudges from Qventus as far as patient tracking and wait times are concerned.

Why do you love what you do?
I love what I do because the emergency department keeps us on our toes. No shift is the same and the pace can change on a dime. I like trauma, so I couldn’t imagine working in another department. I also really like the people I am able to call my work family!

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